
Digital Marketing Audit

Does your website generate customers and convert new sales opportunities?

We provide digital marketing audit deep dive into your marketing strategies. How you do you build your online presence? We’ll perform these audits to study your overall performance and highlight where you could improve your digital marketing strategy.

Why do you need a Digital Marketing Audit?

Digital auditing tools are generally at the fingertips of every digital specialist. We take a different approach using a lot of the same tools we engage in a much deeper dive approach. We plan to evaluate a few key areas of your digital footprint in order to measure your potential for online success. In order for your website to generate leads or convert sales opportunities, you have to give the user a quality experience. Allowing them to feel safe, use the site with ease, and build confidence in your brand with the digital experience they have online with your brand. Most companies are unaware of their digital challenges, and we use a multi-channel, engaged, transparent program. We will improve your digital footprint and increase your conversion rates by 20% in the first 90 days and a subsequential 20-40% after that.

Ways to Guage Your Digital Online Presence...

Digital Audit Process

Working directly with your team or current agency of record we have a small list of questions we use to help us asses your digital footprint. Our team does not need much to get started with the audit.

Once you have a clear picture of your digital strengths, we can improve upon the weak areas to elevate your digital presence. Our team will provide you with digital strategy ideas to build a stronger digital footprint. 

Once completed we review our findings in a meeting with your team. During this time we like to talk hypothetically regarding ways to improve your digital score and expand your website digital footprint.

When was the last time you took a deeper look at your website or digital marketing practices? Digital technologies move so fast that it is extremely important to the SEO of your site to stay fresh and relevant for top organic placement on Google.

Would you like to start a project with us?

We look forward to hearing more about your business growth and digital advertising goals.

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